• State and explain and explain any four feature of Java?  (4 marks)
  • What is thread draw thread life cycle diagram in Java? explain any two relational operators in Java?  (4 marks)
  •  Describe the life cycle of the thread? (4 marks)
  • What is exception how it is handled? (4 marks)
  • What is? operator code explanation with an example? (4 marks)
  • What is a single level inheritance? (4 marks)
  • What is package state how to create and access is user-defined package in Java? (6marks)
  • Explain with an example how to achieve multiple inheritance and interface? (6marks)
  • Difference between array and vector? (4 marks)
  • Difference between interface and class with the syntax?  (4 marks)
  • State the use of super and final keyword with the example? (4 marks)
  • What is meant by interface state its need and write Syntax of an interface (4 marks)
  • Explain applet life cycle with suitable? (8marks)
  • Example of how multiple inheritances achieved in java? (8marks)
  • Write program to create vector elements (10,20,30,40,50) remove element third and fourth position? (4 marks)
  • Write a program to find the sum of digits of the number entered by the user? (4 marks)
  • State three use of final keyword? (4 marks)
  • Define constructor and explain parameterized constructor? (4 marks)
  • Program to check whether a number is prime or not? (4 marks)
  • Explain serialisation with stream class explain ternary operator in Java with the example?(4 marks)
  • Write a program to design an applet to display three circle field? with three (4 marks)
  • Write a program to command line argument and print number Even and Odd? (4 marks)
  • What is the use of stream class write two methods of file reader class? (4 marks)
  • Right primitive data type within java with their stastorage in a byte?(4 marks)
  • Write a program to generate Fibonacci series? (4 marks)
  • Explain the break and continue statement? (4 marks)
  • Write program number is prime or not?  (4 marks)
  • What is constructor explain overloading constructor? (4 marks)
  • Explain method overloading with an example? (4 marks)
  • Explain the vector with the proper example? (4 marks)
  • Explain following method of applet life cycle(a)draw Rect (),(b)draw Polygon(),(c)draw RoudnRect(),(d)draw Arc? 4 marks)
  • Explain following method of vector class,(a)element At (),(b)add element(),(c)remove element(),(d)draw Arc? (4 marks)? (4 marks)
  • Explain <param tag> of the applet with suitable example? (4 marks)
  • Describe the final method and final variable with respect inheritance
  • Describe following method of string class :- length char at(),compare to()? (4 marks) 
  • what are garbage collection and final method in java? (4 marks) 
  • Define jdk  list the tool available in JDK explain anyone in detail ? (4 marks)
  • What is an interface? how to add an interface to package interface? (4 marks)
  • what is stream class list any two input stream class from a character stream(4marks) 
  • Explain the life cycle of thread with the neat diagram? (8 marks)
  • Explain any two bitwise operators? (4 marks) 
  • Difference between  string and string buffer? (4 marks) 
  • Write a program to copy content of one file to another file using character stream class? (4 marks) 
  • Write anytwo method of File and Fileinput stream class?(4 marks) 
  • What is package ?how tocreate package with suitable example?(4 marks) 
  • State the use of super and final keyword with respect to inheritance with example?(4 marks) 
  • What is jvm? what is byte code? (4 marks) 
  • What is singale level inheritance? (4 marks)